The key to quality of work in any profession is the commitment to ideals for which that profession stands.

It is commitment based not on rules of do and don’t, but rather on expressions of ethical and professional attitude. This commitment to ideals is set out in a Code of Ethics (or Conduct) to which the members of that profession, and the professional association governing those members, subscribe.


Child and Youth Care Practitioners provide or facilitate the provision of supportive supplemental, substitutive or re-educational care to children and youth, for whom the usual agents of development have proven to be inadequate or inappropriate. This necessitates a consistent, holistic team approach with the Child and Youth Care Practitioner frequently being the coordinator in employing a variety of resources.

Child and Youth Care work is a profession based on the interaction between the child, the practitioner and the systems they both exist within. It must be the goal of all child and youth care services and practitioners to provide the physical, emotional, social and spiritual environments which will optimize the developmental opportunities for the child in her / his milieu, as well as for the practitioner in his or her work environment.

Throughout, there shall be recognition of status for the child or youth and the Child and Youth Care Practitioner as developing people and of the basic human rights of all individuals to the respect and growth accorded each member of our society.



The child or youth is never an isolated being; he or she is always a part of a family (defined as those persons that have potential impact on that child or youth within the immediate milieu). The aim of the Child and Youth Care Practitioner and the agency or program is to adopt effective practices toward family-oriented care and involvement.

We understand and respect the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child with respect to each child or youth.

We respect the privacy of each child/youth/family.

We respect the uniqueness of each child/youth/family.

We acknowledge that maximizing the effectiveness of all services and resources aids the child/youth/family to reach their potential.

 We are aware that acknowledging and supporting the family in the total treatment program of the child/youth/family contributes to the growth of the child or youth.

We respect the unique difference in culture, religion and race of each child, youth and family.

We recognize the importance of questioning all behaviour as a meaningful attempt to have needs met, and only when it infringes upon another’s individuality do we interfere.

We acknowledge that a child has a personal perspective of his or her environment and that our relationship with that child depends on our understanding of that perspective.

We recognize the importance of being empathic rather than sympathetic in order to maintain our objectivity.

We encourage risk taking opportunities within a safe and stimulating atmosphere in order for the child or youth to discover and learn about her or him self and her or his environment.

We encourage the supplying of special equipment for all special disabilities and needs of the child/youth/family.

We recognize the importance of constantly reassessing the ongoing growth of the child, youth or family and applying new approaches where needed.

We have a working knowledge and understanding of all laws pertaining to children in care and child advocacy insuring that no child’s rights are violated or denied.

We have the ability to assess our own personal strengths and weaknesses and transform these into successful Child and Youth Care skills and strategies.

We are willing to recognize when it is in the best interests of our clients to release or refer them to another program or helping professional.

Relationship of the Child and Youth Care Practitioner to our own profession and other professions.

We are aware of our responsibility to maintain professional objectivity and self-discipline, to maintain competence and high standards.

We are aware of our responsibility to further our knowledge of the profession through reading, research and further discussion.

We will respect the rights and views of our fellow Child and Youth Care Practitioners and other Professionals.

We have a continuing commitment to assess our own personal strengths, limitations, biases and resulting effectiveness.

We are aware of and sensitive to the profound social responsibility involved in our work due to the fact that we touch deeply the lives of those we serve.

We are aware of and promote the moral and legal standards of our work.

We attempt to rectify any violations of ethical, moral or legal standards by other human service professionals of which we become aware.

We do not use our professional position or relationship for purposes that violate our ethical principles.